Marcoantonio J Lee
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Lic# BK3108376
Sacred Space Holistic Real Estate
Your real estate transaction is one of the biggest investments you will make in your life, plus this is your home that represents you and it is your sanctuary. Imagine a home that relies on the power of the sun for its electricity allowing you to save on your electirc bill. Imagine walking out into your back yard or balcony and picking your own organically grown produce allowing you to save on that grocery bill. Imagine living in a beautiful home structurally built to be effeciant, affordable stylish and comfortable and now imagine how it would feel to live in a home that is harmoniously aligned with the natural flow of life making your sancturay a place for bringing in and manifesting prosperity love and peace into your life. This is what Sacred Space Holistic Realty would like to offer you. My team will not only turn your house into a home of healing bliss but we will help you transform your environment into one that will best allow your to express and fulfill you and your families highest intention and purpose. What ever that looks like for you.
Ayurvedic Real Estate Consultation and Property Search
By using of modern day technology and the ancient Science of life, Ayurveda the medicine of yoga, I provide you a property search that will take into consideration your complete family constitution. This holistic consultaion will guide you towards a new healthier way of living and a home best suited for your lifestyle.
Healing, Tower and Permaculture Gardens
Turn your back yard or balcony into an oasis of healing and a source for your nourishment as your grow your own local organic produce and herbs in a space specifically designed to be your garden of eden.
Feng Shui
Ancient chinese practice of decorating ones space so that it is in harmony with the natural flow of Qi so as to bring prosperity, peace, love and health through out one's living environment.
Eco Houses
Eco friendly homes built using sustainable and earth conscious materials that are inexpensive yet comfortable and with style.
Solar Solutions
Equip your home with the means of supplying its own Energy effecient Electricity via solar engery by converting your home into to Cost friendly Solar powered dwelling.