Marcoantonio J Lee
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Lic# BK3108376
Wellness Services and Success Coaching For Realtors
As a realtor I know that Real Estate can be stressful and demanding for its practioners. Self Care of the mind and body is neccessary inorder to be able to perform optimally. Whether you want motivational coaching to keep the fire alive or great full body massage to help release the stress of the real estate game.

Marcoantonio J Lee LMT Lic# MA55755
Integrated Healing Services
Not only am I a Holistic Realtor, I am also a Holistic Wellness Practitioner that offers Life Coaching, Meditation, Yoga and Massage therapy here to be of service to you.

Success Coaching
I will help you achieve your goals through the use powerful motivational coaching techniques.
I have worked one on one as well as with different companies such as American Express and First Residential

Massage Therapy
I have been trainined in Deep Tissue, Swedish, Vedic Thai, Medical Massage and Ayurvedic Massage. I integrate these modalities to deliver a massage that is Deep yet relaxing designed to break through the physical/emotional barrier allowing you to release the stress and tension that often gets trapped in our body due to life, bringing us often times physical discomfort or pain.

Through diffferent styles of meditation I will show you how to take control of your thoughts so that you can think and be clear allowing you to move at your most optimal state of being

CZD Balance
Carla Zamudio-Dolan, Health Coach & Fitness Instructor
is passionate about health and fitness. As a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition she has learned that just as we are all unique we we all have a diet that is unique to each of us. She will introduce to you foods that will give you energy, help you feel better and ultimatley empower you to live a healthier life.

I use Positive Affirmation, Breath work, Movement and Meditation to alighn and focus our mind so that we can get out of our own way and achieve our desires