Marcoantonio J Lee
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Lic# BK3108376
Your home is not merely a structure built brick by brick but rather it is an extension or reflection of who we are, our family and our consciousness. Its is our bigger body to our smaller body. Your home is you and uses the same Elements as the human body, Earth, Air, Fir, Water and Space. Ayurveda also knows as the Science of Life is the Medicine of yoga and teaches about and works with the Elements in Nature to bring balance and Harmony into our lives. I am bringing my knowledge of Ayurveda and infusing it into my Real Estate practice so that I can offer a Holistic approach towards the Soulution to your real estate needs, looking at all aspects of your families constituition and offering alternative soulutions that can provide you a return on your invest while also introducing energetic concepts to help balance and align your home to your families purpose and intention. I am your Advocate and will be holding your hand and making what could other wise be a stressful experience to one that is peaceful easy and exciting!!!
Sacred Space Holistic Realty
Commercial and Residential Property Search, Comparative Market Analysis, Lease to Own Options, Business Opportunities, Buy Sell and Lease

Urbaneco Development
Urbaneco Development offers unique green home building services that are not only affordable but introduce an innovative way of living called; EcoLifestyle.
Urbaneco is a full-service EcoLifestyle Builder whose mission is to allow virtually anyone to live in harmony with the planet while ensuring that the cost of being environmentally sustainable is accessible as well. Through the use of cutting edge technology coupled with ancient techniques, our aim is to share knowledge with anyone interested in a healthier and more harmonious way of living.
In it’s unique way, Urbaneco Development creates the first turn-key Eco Living Experience – right in the heart of our most dynamic thriving cites.
Geodesic Dome Homes and Eco-Friendly Modular Homes
Eco Friendly, Energy Effecient, Cost Effective and Stylish Alternatives to call your new home
Holistic Real Estate

Scot Di Stefano Organtech Architecture
My personal philosophy has been dubbed *Organtech Architecture*. It is a balanced synthesis of technology, the basic need for shelter and desire for comfort. It is founded in the traditions of the Organic and High Tech veins of Modern Architecture, and refined through the influence of Traditional Japanese Architecture / Philosophy. Organtech is an architecture that is both high tech and high touch. It is an architecture that is of the earth, not on it. It is an architecture that recognizes there is no 'human nature', only nature. It is an architecture that takes only what is necessary, still touches the soul, and gives whenever possible.
I consider an Architect to be a sculptor of the face of the earth - a responsibility that I take to heart. We can not forget that Nature will perpetuate without humans, but humans can not perpetuate if self-extracted from Nature. This is a basic confirmation that we are a very small part of a much larger, dynamic system that must be honored in every decision we make. While some might consider that a limitation, I perceive it as an impetus.
Every project is unique and has its own rules for creation / evolution. It is a genetic code of sorts that is not influenced by trends or styles, but rather by physical, theoretical, cultural, financial, psychological, aesthetic and environmental forces. I interpret a client's wants and needs relative to the specific influences, and translate them into Architecture. I do not to limit my skills to categories - whether the project is a bird house, a residence or a skyscraper I would base my interest on the commitment of the client to the project's success and my compatibility with the client.
Architects, as the providers of leadership in the built environment are, by default, on the front line of the Environmental Movement. I am comfortable with that responsibility. To be sustainable is not sufficient. All architecture should be sustainable by choice or mandate - not for the sake of a plaque. Architects can not accept the status quo as a metric. Concurrent with the creative process, design must actively participate in the restoration of what we have already destroyed / consumed / eliminated. The Mother Art is not exempt from respecting Mother Earth.

Buying or refinancing a home can be stressful if you don't know what to expect or you don't have a plan. Once you do, you have clarity that leads to be being in place of peace.If you or someone you know would like to be part of the Mortgages The Zen Way experience in getting a home loan or you want to hear how I can bring more value, call or email me.My intention is for you to have a relaxing feel good mortgage experience with clarity and peace. That is why I choose to do Mortgages The Zen Way.Visit YouTube, type in my name (jay robins - Robins with 1 b) and watch some of my videos to see what others are saying about me. Also lots of great mortgage, credit and real estate tips.Whether you are buying a home in 30 days to a year or you want to see if it makes sense to refinance, reach out to me and lets go over a few ideas. I offer this to you whether you use me or not.I define success by how much value I was able to give.I look forward to connecting with you. - Jay